ImporterS and WholesalerS of unique handicrafts and home Accessories

Wholesalers of
Unique Fairtrade Crafts
Batik Indah was established in 1994 by us, Andy and Rachel Mackonochie, a husband and wife team following our extensive travels through south east Asia.
Now with 26 years of trading under our belt, we feel we have unmatched experience of sourcing handicrafts and accessories from the Indonesian Archipelago.
In addition to offering wonderful, unique and fair-trade products, our USP is a very personalised van sales service. If you are interested in buying from us, we can arrange for Andy or Rachel to visit with a fully stocked van. They will then be able to show you in person all the products which might appeal to you and they will be in your shop and ready to sell before they leave.
All you need to do is pick up the phone and speak to either Andy or Rachel to arrange a visit. Office landline: